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Tín keypskurv er tóm

Uppritsbók - Lundar

Útsøluprísur149,00 kr


Size A5

Artwork and design by Suffía Nón.

Stylish spiral notebook with elastic band. 

The pages are smooth, and have a nice eggshell color that is easy on the eyes. The high quality writing paper allow your pen to effortlessly glide over the lines on the slick pages.

The cover is hardcover and has a nice matte look.

The paper is FSC certified, meaning it’s sourced from responsibly managed forests.

The perfect notebook for recording your feelings, thoughts, poetry, recipes, jotting down ideas, writing to-do lists etc.

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Uppritsbók - Lundar
Uppritsbók - Lundar Útsøluprísur149,00 kr